What is TypeScript?

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Created by Jordan Muller on 2024-05-01

What is TypeScript & What Is It Used For?

TypeScript is a programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript and adds static typing to the language. TypeScript is designed for development of large applications and transcompiles to JavaScript. As JavaScript is the only language native to the web browsers, any application written in TypeScript must be compiled into JavaScript before it can run. Let’s delve deeper into TypeScript and its ecosystem:

Understanding TypeScript

  1. Superset of JavaScript: TypeScript extends JavaScript by adding static types. All JavaScript code is valid TypeScript, making it easy to adopt incrementally.
  2. Static Typing: By enabling developers to define types of their variables and function parameters, TypeScript provides better documentation and allows the compiler to catch errors before runtime.

Key Features of TypeScript

Importance in Web Development

Modern TypeScript

Learning TypeScript


TypeScript offers significant advantages for JavaScript developers looking to scale applications and improve maintainability and performance. With its robust typing system, TypeScript not only enhances code quality and developer productivity but also aligns with the latest JavaScript features, ensuring modern development practices. As TypeScript continues to evolve, it remains an invaluable asset in the developer’s toolkit for building scalable and efficient applications.