About Me

Jordan Muller Portrait

My Personal Journey in Tech

My journey began in the shadow of Silicon Valley, under my grandfather's guidance. A skilled machinist, he introduced me to the world of computers at six years old, igniting a lifelong passion for technology. I vividly remember the early days of bulky monitors and dial-up internet, a stark contrast to the natural beauty of weekends spent fishing and hiking. By eight, I had gotten my very own PC, which became my gateway to further explore the realms of software, gaming, and digital creativity. My curiosity & fascination with technology has expanded as quickly as technology has continued to evolve over the years.

My high school years were marked by academic excellence and leadership, culminating in my role as Salutatorian and the founding of a STEM club. These experiences honed my leadership skills and laid the groundwork for how I would later end up spending my gap year, a crucial period for personal growth in my life, which saw me founding a digital marketing agency called Foundry Media Company, at nineteen years old.

Most notable of these achievements was my recent graduation from university with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. It was here that I studied advanced topics like Discrete Mathematics, Calculus, Software Engineering, AI and Machine Learning, culminating in a AI/ML Web App Capstone Project that exemplified my ability to combine technical knowledge with practical solutions. My journey has uniquely equipped me for a career in technology, underpinned by a profound respect for both the environment and digital innovation's transformative power.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Select a topic below to see my answers to a variety of frequent questions!

Education & Expertise
Q. What is your educational background?

A. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Western Governors University. My degree program covered a broad range of subjects including Software Engineering, Data Structures & Algorithms, Software Quality Assurance, and advanced courses in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. My degree provided me with a strong foundation in computer science principles and practices.

Q. What programming languages & tech do you specialize in?

A. I specialize in full stack web and software development, with a focus on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Python. My technical stack includes Node.js, React, Express, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL. While my current focus is on front-end & full stack web development, I am also planning to expand into cross platform & native mobile development. However, at present, I am fully focused on expanding & honing my skills as a full stack web developer.

Q. Do you have any certifications in software development or related fields?

A. In college, I earned two important certifications: the ITIL 4 Foundation in IT Service Management and the Professional Scrum Master I. The ITIL 4 Foundation certificate enriched my knowledge of IT service management, focusing on aligning IT services with business needs and improving customer satisfaction. On the other hand, my Professional Scrum Master I certification deepened my understanding of Agile methodologies, specifically Scrum, equipping me with the skills to effectively lead or contribute to Scrum teams. These certifications have been vital in complementing my theoretical education, providing practical, industry-relevant skills in software development and project management.

Q. Beyond formal education, what other skills/experiences have you found most valuable?

A. Beyond my formal education, the entrepreneurial experiences I had and the skills I have gained from founding and managing Foundry Media Company during & after my gap year have been invaluable. This business venture taught me the intricacies of running a business, from client relations to project management. Foundry honed my skills in web development, graphic design, and professional photography, particularly from experiences on projects for two major construction companies. My direct experience in digital marketing, including creating websites and building marketing strategies, has been crucial in understanding the practical applications of technology in business. My upbringing, deeply connected to nature, has also played a significant role. It has instilled in me a respect for the environment and a unique perspective on technology's role in society. These experiences have fostered a sense of creativity, adaptability, and a commitment to ethical practices, which are essential in the ever-evolving field of technology.

Passions & Inspirations
Q. What are you passionate about?

A. I am deeply enthusiastic about blending technology with environmental & ethical consciousness. My upbringing, surrounded by the natural beauty of Northern California, instilled in me a respect for the environment, which I strive to incorporate into my digital creations.

Q. What inspired you to pursue a career in web development?

A. The inspiration came from the blend of my hands-on experiences during my gap year founding Foundry Media Company, where I tackled web development and digital marketing challenges, and my academic pursuits in computer science, which deepened my understanding of the technical nuances of web development.

Q. How did you start your journey into this field?

A. My journey started with curiosity and a love for technology. From early experiences with AutoCAD on my grandfather's PC to founding my digital marketing agency and studying computer science, each step was a building block towards a career in technology, driven by a desire to merge creativity with technical expertise.

Location & Availability
Q. What is your current professional role, & what type of projects are you working on there?

A. I currently work as an AI Data Annotation Specialist. As a professional currently working in the field of AI and machine learning, my role involves critically reviewing AI-generated content. This work is crucial in ensuring the content aligns with well-maintained standards of quality, efficiency, and various project objectives. A key aspect of my role is advocating for ethical AI development. This includes prioritizing fairness, inclusivity, and a diversity of ideas and opinions, while ensuring strict adherence to safety guidelines and regulations when reviewing responses. Another significant part of my job is enhancing the credibility and quality of AI responses. This is achieved through meticulous research and fact-checking, ensuring the responses are accurate, reliable, and original. Lastly, I contribute towards the development & performance of future and current AI models using modern data annotation methods, supplying high-quality data for Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF).

Q. What did you do for work before you graduated?

A. A couple of years after starting Foundry Media Company at 19, I took on a pivotal role at one of the largest General Contractors and construction companies in California. My position as a Bid/Estimating Coordinator, which I held from August 2021 to June 2023, was not only a steady source of income as I finished my Bachelor's degree but also a significant step in my professional development. Despite being a job that I held in college, there was no shortage of stressful situations. Every bid was simultaneously similar to other projects we'd done before and completely different than anything we'd ever seen. In this role, I leveraged my organizational and project management skills to successfully handle the submission of hundreds of contracts, ensuring compliance with local, state, and federal standards. I was instrumental in bidding on billions of dollars of construction projects around the state, going on to secure hundreds of millions of dollars in bids across California. This achievement was a direct result of effective teamwork and collaboration. My responsibilities also included optimizing the bid process through the use of Microsoft Office Suite, utilizing the power of VBA, as well as modern automation tools & simple HTML and JavaScript utilities. I developed a pre-qualification database and emailing system for subcontractors and configured a shared drive for the automatic printing of project contracts, plans, and specifications.

Q. Where are you currently located, & are you willing to relocate?

A. I am currently based in the San Francisco Bay Area, specifically in Livermore, California. I am open to the idea of relocating, particularly for an exceptional opportunity that aligns with my career goals. While I am willing to consider moving out of state under the right circumstances, I am especially open to relocating locally within California. Feel free to get in touch and we can discuss potential opportunities.

Q. Are you open to exploring new opportunities, projects, or collaborations in web development?

A. I am always interested in exploring new opportunities and collaborations, especially in the realm of web development. While I am committed to specializing in this field, I also value the importance of adaptability and am open to pivoting towards other tech-related roles if they align with my skills and professional growth. I believe the right opportunity, coupled with mentorship, can lead to mutually beneficial outcomes. If I am welcome & I think I would be able to contribute effectively, I would love to join your team.

A red neon sign in the shape of a question mark is shown as a reflection with an urban city backdrop.

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Didn't find the answers you were looking for? No worries! I encourage you to drop me a message through my Contact page. I am always eager to help and address any queries you might have.

Email is typically the fastest way to reach me, but I understand different preferences. That's why on my Social page, you'll find various other ways to connect with me. Please choose the method that suits you best – I look forward to hearing from you!

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Timeline of Significant Moments in My Journey

  • Growing Up Near the Heart of Silicon Valley

    Born in the San Francisco Bay Area, near the Heart of Silicon Valley, my childhood was mostly spent away from the digital world I would later fully embrace. Despite being raised in a home built in the shadow of tech giants, most weekends were usually spent further north on the water. There, my family taught me the skill & patience of fishing as well as how to appreciate & respect the beauty of nature. If we weren't at the lake, we were most likely in the forest near a river, where we would go hiking, fishing and camping.

    Other than fishing, my favorite thing to do when I was young was help my grandmother cook, especially if it was for a meal I helped plan or for a fish I had suddenly caught. Despite not having fish in the itinerary, my family was always quick to adapt and help pitch in as a team to complete common goals. My dad would help me learn to clean the fish, grandpa would fry it up for us, while my grandma and I worked on figuring out what sides we were going to make before it was all done.

    These experiences, deeply rooted in the tangible and natural world, formed a foundation of deep curiosity and respect for the world around me. The dichotomy between my digital career and my nature-filled upbringing continues to shape my approach to technology, grounding it in a deep respect for the environment, community & morals that I hold dear.

  • My First Time Using a Desktop Computer

    My journey into the world of computers started under the guidance of my grandfather, an experienced machinist. He patiently guided me through the basics of using a mouse and keyboard on his home PC, sparking a fascination in technology that has evolved into a lifelong passion.

    I remember when monitors were thick and heavy, when the internet still loaded in line by line with the distinctive sound of dial up tones in the background, when Wi-Fi wasn't available in every home and business, and when smartphones were non-existent.

    The first software I ever used was AutoCAD 2004 on Window 98 Second Edition. Even though all I could do at the time was draw simple lines & shapes, I watched my grandfather design, and then actually create a variety of parts that you could see, touch, and use in real life to build something even more amazing. I have since been completely fascinated by the ability to represent physical objects, data, and information in a digital form.

  • The Very First Computer I Ever Owned

    The year 2008 marked a significant milestone in my digital journey: my dad bought me my first personal computer. It was a Dell Inspiron 530 desktop equipped with a state-of-the art Intel Celeron processor. This machine ran on Windows XP, a significant leap from the Windows 98 system I was accustomed to on my grandfather's PC.

    This new computer became my portal to a world of exploration and creativity. My curiosity led me to play around with different features, testing my skills and learning new ones along the way. I dove into Microsoft Office, learning the ins and outs of Microsoft Word, Paint, and PowerPoint.

    Gaming also became a big part of my life during this time. I spent countless hours on games like Spider Solitaire and 3D Space Cadet Pinball. Typing games not only provided entertainment but also honed my keyboard skills, which has proved invaluable so far throughout my technological endeavors. They weren't just games; to me, they were my gateway into a interactive & digital world.

  • My First Email Address & First Time Coding

    Another significant first was getting my own email address. This opened up a whole new world of communication for me. What started as sending out email cards, jokes, and electronic invitations to family members became my first experience with coding through a combination of luck & curiosity when I decided to try and customize one of the HTML email templates.

    I learned that with some templates, you had the ability change what the text says or modify colors. It was thrilling to see how small changes in the code could transform the appearance of an email or invitation. This experience, though seemingly minor, planted the seeds for my later interest in software and web development.

    Sending these digital creations to family members, even when it was not their birthday and there was no special occasion, was a source of joy and pride for me. It marked the beginning of my understanding of the potential and versatility of computers, not just as tools for work or gaming, but as gateways to creativity and personal expression.

  • Getting My MacBook Air & Going to a Teen Coding Bootcamp

    The year 2013 marked another significant turning point in my technological journey as I received my first MacBook Air for my 13th birthday present. The 2012 edition MacBook Air was the thinnest laptop I had ever seen. Not only was it super thin and portable, it was a capable & powerful tool that expanded my digital horizons. Its ecosystem of software, ease of use, and advanced capabilities opened up new realms of creativity and efficiency for me.

    Later on that year, I also attended an iOS mobile game development bootcamp. The bootcamp, though brief, was a pivotal experience for me. It focused on teaching the basics of programming through Objective C, which was one of the most popular languages for iOS apps at the time. This was my first-time coding in a collaborative environment, where I had the opportunity to code alongside others, openly ask for help, and engage in meaningful dialogue about our projects.

    The experience was both humbling and empowering, teaching me the value of teamwork and communication in the tech world. It was here that I first experienced the thrill of bringing ideas to life through code and realized the potential impact I could have in the field of technology. This bootcamp, coupled with my new MacBook Air, marked a significant step in my journey, bolstering my confidence and setting the stage for my future endeavors in software development. It felt like if I asked enough of the right questions, I just might be able to do anything.

  • Graduated as Salutatorian of My Class in High School

    In 2018, I celebrated not just my high school graduation but also the culmination of a series of remarkable achievements. My high school years were characterized by active leadership and academic excellence. In my senior year, I served as a Student Government Liaison and Coordinator, a role that honed my leadership and organizational skills. My commitment to student engagement and community building was further exemplified in my time spent serving as the President of my Sophomore Class.

    One of my proudest accomplishments during these years was when I founded the STEM and Home Economics Club, on both of which I also served as the Boosters Committee Student Liaison. In that role, I actively advocated for and secured funding for various extracurricular and after-school club projects. This involved presenting detailed proposals to the school administration and local community organizations, highlighting the benefits and potential of each club's initiatives. My efforts not only helped secure financial support but also fostered a stronger sense of community within the school. These experiences in navigating the complexities of funding and advocacy were instrumental in developing my skills in communication, negotiation, and leadership.

    Academically, I excelled, graduating with a cumulative GPA of 4.33. This academic rigor and dedication earned me the honor of being the Salutatorian of the Graduating Class of 2018. These achievements were not just milestones but also a testament to my commitment to leadership, academic excellence, and the pursuit of knowledge across diverse fields.

  • Took a Gap Year to Explore Entrepreneurship & Personal Interests

    In 2019, the year after graduating high school, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and exploration by taking a gap year. The year was a period of personal growth, introspection, and entrepreneurship. I founded a digital marketing agency called Foundry Media Company. The focus was providing advertising, branding, and marketing services tailored specifically for small local businesses.

    The bulk of my work at Foundry Media Company involved creating websites, graphic design, and professional photography, primarily for two major construction companies. These projects allowed me to hone my skills in web development and visual design, and also taught me the importance of understanding a client's needs. Managing these large-scale projects not only enhanced my technical abilities but also developed my skills in client relations and project management.

    This year of entrepreneurship was a critical period of growth & introspection. It taught me the basics of running a profitable business, from drafting proposals to executing marketing strategies. Balancing creative work with the logistical aspects of managing a business was challenging yet rewarding, and it provided me with invaluable insights into the digital marketing world. This experience was a key chapter in my journey, significantly influencing my career path and personal development.

  • Graduated from University with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

    In 2023, I celebrated another significant achievement in my academic and professional career by graduating from university with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. While at school, I dove into an array of advanced courses that formed the core of my computer science education. These included Software Engineering, Data Structures & Algorithms, Software Quality Assurance, Project Management, Calculus, Discrete Mathematics, Operating Systems, Computer Architecture, and Ethics & Communications, just to name a handful. These courses collectively honed my software development skills, problem-solving abilities, and understanding of both the technical and ethical aspects of technology.

    My education was rounded off with cutting-edge courses in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, preparing me for the rapidly evolving tech landscape. A highlight of my experience was the capstone project, where I created a user-friendly Jupyter Notebook on Google Collab designed to analyze user-input photos of bees or wasps. This notebook utilized Python's machine learning algorithms, specifically a convolutional neural network (CNN), which I had trained over 10 epochs on thousands of pictures. The goal was to develop a tool that could analyze photos and return a comprehensive dashboard output, effectively identifying and distinguishing between different species.

    This project not only showcased my technical skills but also reflected my commitment to creating practical, real-world applications using advanced technology. The success of this capstone project, which signaled the end of my degree was one of the best days of my entire life. It marked the culmination of my academic journey, affirming my readiness to make meaningful contributions in the field of computer science and to drive innovation in an ever-changing technological landscape.

My journey has been a blend of relentless curiosity, a deep appreciation for nature, and a commitment to technological innovation.

From foundational lessons learned under my family's guidance to the complex & ever-changing world of web development, software engineering and machine learning, I have developed a skill set that is both diverse and specialized. My academic achievements, leadership qualities, and firsthand experience in creating real-world applications underscore my readiness to contribute significantly in the field of web development.

As I stand at this exciting crossroads, eager to bring my blend of environmental consciousness and technological expertise to your team, I invite you to connect with me. I'd love to discuss how my unique perspective and skills can help drive your projects forward, innovate solutions, and shape the future of software.

I believe that together, we can create impactful sustainable digital experiences that resonate in this ever-evolving technological landscape and have the potential to change the world.